SVC MARINE SERVICES CO LTD is a ship supply, ship repair, ship maintenance, ship broker provider to Ship Owners, Ship Managers and Operators worldwide.

Based in Central of Vietnam, we are able to carry out our tasks in our workshop, onboard vessels in Vietnam Ports and as travelling squads during vessels voyages.

SVC MARINE SERVICES is geared to serve with our utmost quality, professionalism and we ensure that each project awarded to us will result in excellence and customer satisfaction. Our approach to our client and jobs alike is full commitment and focus , emphasizing on the following pillars :

. Short Repair Duration.
. Low, Reasonable and Manageable Repair Cost
. Suitable, Disciplined and Qualified Workers.
. Practical Safety Practices.
. Quick Team Mobilization.

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Steel Repairs/Pipe Repairs

Pipe fabrications according to drawings, on-site measurements and samples are carried out in our workshop Onboard works for modification of pipe systems, new piping systems, pipe repairs and pipe installation are carried out by us.

Minor steel works such as hatch coamings and cellguides to major steel renewal on deck, shell plates , internals , etc are carried out by us .
Such repairs can be carried out in Ports, Anchorages and during voyages.

Main Engine and Aux Engine Overhauling and Maintenance

We carry out overhauling of Main Engine and exchange of liners, pistons , etc during port calls and follow ships on voyage for overhauling and maintenance of its auxiliary engines.

We also supply full technical services for repair/ recondition/ rewinding electric motor, Generator, Electric Systems …etc at all ports and anchorages in Vietnam.

UWC, UWI (ROV/Divers)

Underwater maintenance tasks such as underwater hull cleaning and underwater propeller polishing, underwater fitting of anodes and underwater replacement of anodes, u/w search and recovery of anchor chain (cable), underwater sea chests cleaning underwater sea chests gratings cleaning, temporary underwater plugging of sea chests (waterproofing), underwater maintenance of bow thrusters.

FFE&LSA Annual Services

we are proud of our knowledgeable staff, qualified and regularly trained under strict makers procedures. Our facility is ideally located in port and we are always on hand to provide our customers with the proper and high level servicing of any of below mentioned manufacturers products.
A part of our team is also qualified as TM operators and perform thickness measurements of ship structure on-board vessels under supervision of Lloyd’s register, DNV GL, RINA, NKK, BRS classes.


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